Information about you
Results of comparison

Job position and salary

Please only fill in true information in the questionnaire. Based on the details you fill in, you will receive a free comparison of your salary within the job market. Questionnaires from users that contain extreme values will not be included in the survey. Optional questions are marked.

EUR / month
The net amount of salary is the final amount paid to the employee's account after all obligations to the state are settled.
Please enter the net amount of salary without meal and transportation allowances.

EUR / month
Write down what your basic salary is without bonuses and commissions. The sum should include the full time salary. Don't put a space, comma or dot between the thousands.
The net amount of salary is the final amount paid to the employee's account after all obligations to the state are settled.
Please enter the net amount of salary without meal and transportation allowances.
EUR / month
Eg. the variable part of the salary, personal reward, business commissions, bonuses etc.
EUR / year
List the bonuses at the end of the year or other financial benefits that you get in addition to your salary.