
Our database contains 43,340 approved salary profiles.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Net monthly salary
gender_icon Veterinarian Medicine & Social Care Zagrebačka small company 45-54 1,267.00 EUR
gender_icon IT tester - automated tests Information Technology Splitsko-dalmatinska n/a 25-34 1,622.00 EUR
gender_icon Preschool Teacher Education, Science & Research Grad Zagreb small company 25-34 1,329.00 EUR
gender_icon Forklift Truck Operator Transport, Haulage, Logistics Primorsko-goranska middle company 35-44 1,300.00 EUR
gender_icon Sales Manager Management Zadarska n/a 25-34 1,500.00 EUR
gender_icon IT Product Manager Information Technology Splitsko-dalmatinska middle company 35-44 2,567.00 EUR
gender_icon Secondary School Teacher Education, Science & Research Varaždinska middle company 25-34 830.00 EUR
gender_icon Service Technician Production Grad Zagreb n/a 35-44 800.00 EUR
gender_icon Travel Guide Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business Istarska small company 55+ 880.00 EUR
gender_icon Receptionist Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business Zadarska n/a 35-44 825.00 EUR