
Our database contains 42,934 approved salary profiles.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Net monthly salary
gender_icon Risk Specialist Banking Grad Zagreb n/a 25-34 1,200.00 EUR
gender_icon Qualified Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Varaždinska big company 35-44 2,050.00 EUR
gender_icon Secondary School Teacher Education, Science & Research Šibensko-kninska n/a 45-54 1,500.00 EUR
gender_icon Seller of Bank Services, Loan Officer Banking Šibensko-kninska n/a 45-54 990.00 EUR
gender_icon Statistician Economy, Finance, Accountancy Grad Zagreb n/a 800.00 EUR
gender_icon Secretary Administration Grad Zagreb small company 25-34 1,150.00 EUR
gender_icon Waiter Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business Zagrebačka n/a 1,000.00 EUR
gender_icon Shop Assistant Commerce Ličko-senjska n/a 35-44 677.00 EUR
gender_icon Insurance Broker Insurance Brodsko-posavska n/a 25-34 860.00 EUR
gender_icon Project Assistant Administration Primorsko-goranska n/a 1,692.00 EUR