
Our database contains 42,891 approved salary profiles.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Net monthly salary
gender_icon Procurement specialist Administration Grad Zagreb n/a 1,500.00 EUR
gender_icon Project Coordinator Administration Splitsko-dalmatinska n/a 25-34 972.00 EUR
gender_icon Veterinarian Medicine & Social Care Koprivničko-križevačka n/a 55+ 1,000.00 EUR
gender_icon Warehouse Manager Management Grad Zagreb n/a 1,600.00 EUR
gender_icon Production Planner Production Varaždinska n/a 35-44 960.00 EUR
gender_icon Fitter/Assembler Production Zagrebačka n/a 45-54 966.00 EUR
gender_icon Accountant Economy, Finance, Accountancy Istarska big company 35-44 960.00 EUR
gender_icon Nurse Medicine & Social Care Zadarska small company 25-34 740.00 EUR
gender_icon Medical/Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Medicine & Social Care Grad Zagreb n/a 2,667.00 EUR
gender_icon Secretary Administration Požeško-slavonska small company 25-34 905.00 EUR